Boil large pot of water. Remove large leaves from cabbage. Trim off thick part of each leaf. Let boiling water stand on leaves for few minutes, so they become easy to roll. Combine meat, rice, teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Place mound of meat tixture in cup part of each leaf. Loosley fold over sides of each leaf, roll up.
Start heating oven to 375 degrees. In bottom of dtch oven place a few of remaining cabbage leaves. Arrange layers of stuffen cabbage with seam sides down, and sliced onion in dutch oven. Pour on tomato sauce, tomatoes and add 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper.
Bring to a boil on top of range. Baked covered 1 hour and uncover and bake anohter 2 hours.